Nepal Kids Health - Acceptability and Impact in Nepal
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Nepal Kids Health is a mobile application that provides a quick, easy-to-use platform for mothers to keep track of their children’s vaccination dates. It is available on the Google Play Store and Apple App Store.
The rapidly increasing ownership of smartphones together with improved network coverage and mobile subscriptions in Nepal suggest encouraging prospects for mHealth interventions to be integrated into the country’s healthcare infrastructure. However, little research has been conducted on the acceptance and impact of mHealth applications designed to improve RMNCH in rural LMICs. This is especially true for those focused on mHealth as a tool for health education and awareness.
This study uses data from two rounds of the National Demographic Health Survey (NDHS) to examine and decompose the determinants of MCH service inequality between 2011 and 2016. The results show that living standard related inequalities are a massive driver of MCH inequality. In particular, the odds of a woman receiving less than four ANC visits and not going to a postnatal check-up within two months of delivery decrease as her wealth index increases.
Using a serious mobile game component led by UCL-ID dPHE Centre’s MANTRA project, this research explored the acceptability and impact of an intuitive educational app among women in Nepal. Female participants viewed the app as a useful tool in increasing their knowledge and encouraged them to share it with other family members. This could help to overcome traditional patriarchal societal structures which are a major barrier to women seeking information and utilizing MCH services.